The Gospel Living Hymn
The Gospel Hymn App enables access to inspired hymns in multiple languages. Click the link below to down the App on your Playstore.

reading the bible through
A Chapter a Day
Read the Bible through in a year, by taking one chapter a day. Download this month’s plan using the link below.
Men Of Purpose Conference
Men’s conference is where the men gather to get inspired, equipped, challenged and refreshed for the future. Join us!
Women of Purpose Conference 2025
This is a life changing conference for women, a gathering of purposeful women of stature. Don’t miss it.
Relationship Workshop
Men, women, singles, and young adults, you can’t afford to miss this. Register below
2024 Youth and Young Adults Conference
Taking Root and Nurturing Growth
“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Col. 2:17

Pastor Oladokun began his ministerial journey on the 23rd of December 1980, under Baba Pastor J.O. Bankole at CAC Oke-Isegun Ode-Olo, Ibadan. His ministerial tutelage lasted until 14th May 1981. Pastor Oladokun attended CAC Theological Seminary between September 1981 and July 1983.
He served the Lord at CAC General Headquarters, Ebute-Elefun from July 1983 to February 1986, he then attended International Bible Training Institute (IBTI) from 1986 to 1987, and Romsey House Theological Training College in Cambridge where he was prepared for Cambridge University external examinations from 1988 to 1990.
In summer 1990, he started his first degree in theology at the London Bible College, now London School of Theology and graduated in 1993.

Evangelist Bola Oladokun is a devoted servant of God and a key figure in the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) – Anosike (Europe) Region, where she serves as the wife of the Regional Superintendent. Her role in the church extends far beyond the traditional duties of a minister’s wife; she is a passionate leader, a beacon of enlightenment, and a source of inspiration to the wives of ministers within the Anosike Region.
Bola Oladokun was born into a Christian family where she was raised with strong values and a deep reverence for God. Her upbringing instilled in her a love for service and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Evangelist Bola is a woman deeply rooted in the Word of God. Her ministry is characterised by a fervent dedication to prayer and a genuine passion for spreading the Gospel.
She has a unique ability to connect with others, particularly women, whom she guides and leads with wisdom, compassion, and a deep understanding of spiritual matters. Her leadership among the ministers’ wives in the Anosike Region is marked by her commitment to fostering spiritual growth, unity, and empowerment through the teachings of the Bible. In addition to her regional responsibilities, Evangelist Bola Oladokun serves as the Minister in Charge of CAC Balm of Gilead in London, United Kingdom.
How to Guard Against Falling Away
Praise Him to Raise You
Youth 21st Century

Youth Takeover Service
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”
Join us every third Sunday from 11:00am – 1:00PM

We believe in the power of community and connection
There are various meeting points where church members meet every fortnight to learn, build godly friendship and connect with one another.
Community initiative
Compassion in Action (CAP) Projects
Compassion in Action is a child development ministry that works to release children from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty. The goal is to helping to feed, clothe and educate the less privileged children in Africa.

To supply food to the children in need in Africa. To distributes clothes to the needy children in Africa. To carry the educational burdens of the underprivileged children in Africa.
SINCE 1993
Our Brief History
The vision of CAC Balm of Gilead goes back to 1993 after Pastor Simeon Oladokun (the founder) had preached in a church in the South East London on Sunday 29August. The topic of his message that day was ‘There is Balm in Gilead for the Healing of Broken Heart.’