Vision Statement
“And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.” Hab. 2:2 AMPC
Vision Statement
1. To make a closely knitted family of God out of fragmented and confused families in the society. We will do this through our Balm of Gilead Outreach programme and House Fellowship Groups. Since physical dis-ease is often a symptom of loneliness, resentment, or buried anger; the care of others in a close-knit group, ministering the grace and forgiveness of Jesus can dispel the loneliness, melt the anger, and affirm the healing process.
2. To proclaim the message of our loving and just God as written in the Bible and make it relevant to the people of our community without compromising its ever-settled principle.
3. To establish a Christian Comprehensive Counselling Centre (CCCC), a place of healing the whole person from a Christian perspective. A place where Christian and non-Christian with ruined relationships (marital or parental) and lives damaged by drugs and alcohol can be seen by Professional Counselling Consultants from several disciplines, including Psychology, Psychiatry and Pastoral Care.
4. To nurse the new babies born into the kingdom of God into maturity through our Beginners Bible Class, Discover 2 Recover Bible Study for the Youths, Berean Bible Study Group, Seminars, and Conferences.
5. To write and publish Christian literatures from our Kingdom Builders Bible Ministries (KBBM) Publications.
6. To help each believer discovering his/her appointed place in the family of God.
7. To pioneer sister branches of our church in the U.K. & some other countries.
8. To support some international Christian organisations in anyway we can.
9. We believe and know that our community as well as our nation are full of dry bones. As priests, called into each others’ lives to be agents of all kinds of healing—emotional, relational, physical, mental, vocational etc., having ordered us to prophesy, we believe that God can and will raise an army out of our dry bones.
Balm of Gilead
Statement of Faith
In agreement with the Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, we believe in: